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# retrieving values from a struct [http://blog.mozilla.com/dwitte/2010/03/12/extension-authors-browser-hackers-meet-js-ctypes/ example]
# retrieving values from a struct [http://blog.mozilla.com/dwitte/2010/03/12/extension-authors-browser-hackers-meet-js-ctypes/ example]
# Change case on method names to differentiate with original API.
# Change case on method names to differentiate with original API.
# abstract the API by providing direct value output to your methods.
# export your jsm as libXXX
Beware that wrong declaration can cause your jsm not to load (error message is misleading: File Not Found). Comment your declarations out and add them back one by one to find the problem.
I chose arbitrary types which worked for my simple tests and some might be wrong. Think for your self and adjust.
I chose:
* ''int16_t'' (16b integer) for boolean returned
* ''ctypes.int32_t.ptr'' (pointer to 32b integer) for instance pointer
* ''ctypes.char.ptr'' pointer to char for all strings.
=== Fix existing JS code to use the JS module ===
This part hasn't been done yet. Only local tests. Due to the way the current code mixes the various components it is very difficult to change that code until all components are converted.
Once all are converted, we can rewrite part of that code and make it a lot simpler & cleaner than it currently is.

== Tips ==
== Tips ==

* .so libs in xulrunner folder
* To test js-ctypes and your jsm, you need to put your statically built CWrapper .so lib in xulrunner folder. We'll search later if there's a way to place it elsewhere and have it discovered. Anyway, js-ctypes.open() can take a full path as parameter.
* jsm are compiled and cache at registration. You need to remove cache (or whole profile) after changes.
* jsm are compiled and cache at registration. You need to remove cache (or whole profile) after changes.

== Remaining work ==
== Remaining work ==

* unicode
=== unicode ===
* makefiles
Absolutely zero work as been done regarding unicode and string handlings. It ''just work'' on Linux but I'm 100% sure it will fail badly on windows or with very exotic paths.
* Replace XR with FF
Because of the pain it is to manage string properly, it has been agreed that we would wait until the components are ported then we'll find a way to fix the strings.
* Compatibility with XR 1.9.2?
I believe we might want then to duplicate code from nsString (mozilla) or libICU.
=== makefiles ===
library, wrapper and tester makefiles are hardcoded right now. Well need to move them to autotools.
=== Replace XR with FF ===
This is the target. Once we have those compo working, we need to investigate using FF as a XR engine. This is theoretically possible but I haven't found example and initial tests showed difficulties with main.xul.
=== Compatibility with XR 1.9.2 ===
js-ctypes have been introduced with XR 1.9.2 but the ABI was incomplete or different. Once we have everything working we'll need to dig that and check if we need it.
== Progression ==
* zimAccessor: complete
* contentManager: jsm not finished
* xapianAccessor: not started
* zimXapianIndexer: not started
In the JSM we ''open()'' ''libXX.so''. We'll need to replace that with appropriate extension for each platform. There's an xpcom component which guess the extension based on platform but can't remember the name.


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