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== Windows port==
== Windows port==
; purpose
; purpose
: Make a Windows(2000/XP/VISTA/7) x86_32 version of Kiwix. That means make a working dll for the following 3 XPCOM components ([http://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kiwix/moulinkiwix/src/components/zimAccessor/ zimAccessor], [http://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kiwix/moulinkiwix/src/components/zimXapianIndexer/ zimXapianIndexer], [http://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kiwix/moulinkiwix/src/components/xapianAccessor/ xapianAccessor])
: Make a Windows(2000/XP/VISTA/7) x86_32 version of Kiwix. That means make working Makefiles and DLLs of/for the following 3 XPCOM components ([http://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kiwix/moulinkiwix/src/components/zimAccessor/ zimAccessor], [http://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kiwix/moulinkiwix/src/components/zimXapianIndexer/ zimXapianIndexer], [http://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kiwix/moulinkiwix/src/components/xapianAccessor/ xapianAccessor])

; constraints
; constraints

Revision as of 09:02, 26 January 2010

Windows port

Make a Windows(2000/XP/VISTA/7) x86_32 version of Kiwix. That means make working Makefiles and DLLs of/for the following 3 XPCOM components (zimAccessor, zimXapianIndexer, xapianAccessor)
Must work with GNU Makefiles
Must be fully documented
Must compile on mingw
Must compile with MS cl.exe
Components must be compiled staticaly
Provide support during 6 months following the due date.
due date
additional informations
There is already a prototype: binary and sources (search for the WinStudio project files).
Dependences are gecko-sdk, xapian, libunac, libzip2, zlib, liblzma.
technical contact
emmanuel _at_ engelhart.org
business contact

Windows installer

Make a Windows installer for Kiwix and Kiwix content (ZIM files and Xapian search indexes)
Must use NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)
Must have standard install/uninstall process
Must have a full documentation about how to build the installer
Provide support during 6 months following the due date.
due date
additional informations
There is already something, code needs to be adapted: ISO of the last version and code
technical contact
emmanuel _at_ engelhart.org
business contact

Windows DVD launcher

Make a DVD launcher (run by the autorun) to give the choice over run/install/exit Kiwix
Must use a specific code base
Must have a full documentation about how to build the installer
Provide support during 6 months following the due date.
due date
additional informations
technical contact
emmanuel _at_ engelhart.org
business contact