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Difference between revisions of "Translations:Kiwix 0.9 User Guide/17/ja"

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(Created page with "このプロセスが完了すると、全文検索エンジンが使えるようになります。検索フィールドにテキストを入力し、キーボードの'''Ente...")
m (FuzzyBot moved page Translations:User guide/17/ja to Translations:Kiwix 0.9 User Guide/17/ja without leaving a redirect: Part of translatable page "User guide")

Latest revision as of 20:08, 6 February 2024

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Message definition (Kiwix 0.9 User Guide)
After this process is completed, the full-text search engine will be ready to use. You will just need to type a text into the search field and then press '''Enter''' on your keyboard. A page including a list of matching results will appear and you can access the one you want to view.
