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(Replaced content with "== Release == * Communication/Release")
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== Release ==
== Release ==
* [[Communication/Release]]
* [[Communication/Release]]
== Video ==
It would be great to have a video (screencast) presenting the software with its most important feature.
Here is a proposition:
* Presentation slide of the video with slide and authors
* Presentation of the context (Online Wikipedia put offline of a DVD)
* Presentation of the principle of Kiwix and ZIM
* Starting Kiwix
* Open file
* Indexing file
* surfing
* searching
* special features: fullscreen, switch language, font bigger/smaller, random page, etc.
* Finish (present the ZIM availables and how to download them)
== Press Room ==
This should work to give official (extended) announces of releases,
important changes on the project, and more.
Even if our announcements are short, or not so frecuently we should have
this place to make it the "official source" of information for the
I think that we could work on and conver it into a Press
== <font color=green>Micro-blogging (</font> ==
Like now, we can use the power of this increasing tool, around the
communities to get in contact with the people, also spread the word
about the releases.
This could be used like the News section on the main page site
* - To spread the word on less than 140 types. ;)
: This is done. You have created the group on and I have register myself, start to make a few posts, integrate the stream to the Kiwix Web site main page and also installed an rss2irc gateway (user "identi") which will relay all post on the #kiwix Freenode chan. [[User:Kelson|Kelson]] 13:11, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
:: Good work ;), so this means that all the news will go to the !kiwix group at and not to the page? Printing it green as <font color=green>DONE</font>.  [[User:Ark74|Ark74]] 00:21, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
::: No, this comes in addition, I want mainly to use it to spread dev. news. [[User:Kelson|Kelson]] 05:46, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
== Logo ==
See [[Communication/NewLogo]]
== Banners ==
Other great idea that i find to spread the project around internet,
software communities, schools, and also get help from the users to get
involved and use Kiwix, could be the implementation of banners.
Here some good examples,
: This is also a good idea, but I think the first step is to renew the login itself. If someone can make propositions? [[User:Kelson|Kelson]] 13:12, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
To work on it:
[[User:Ark74|Ark74]] 22:11, 15 August 2009 (UTC)
== Map ==
The map is another great tool, but right now i find it difficult to be
used by the main users of the Internet, not sure if we can get a easier
tool than Google Maps, but i wish we could. Or work on a "inscription
process" aiding schools, software projects or users to apear on the map.
Could we think on for this matter?
Here some work aorund,
== Screenshots ==
Like it is said
"Une image vaut mille mots", "Una imagen dice más que mil palabras", "A
picture is worth a thousand words".
This (may not be so important) but also represents a good idea for new
users, new comers, people in general.
Some examples,
== Blog? ==
This is a great tool, but the main problem is that it requieres much
more time than any of the previous ones. Other common problem is the
language, because it may be kind of "selective" even "discriminatory",
ok i over react "selective", if it's written in certain language, that
other users don't understand, some translation to other languages mys
work but, again it requieres time for that.
This tool, i find it great to eventually write about the roadmap of the
project, extended versions of the releases (copied from the Press
Room ;), relate the presence of the project on conferences/events like
LinuxTag, or any other that might come, and extended version o the news
(the opposite of news ;)
Any way, this is a great tool.
: I have created [[User:Kelson|Kelson]] 12:21, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
== Archives ==
* [[Communication/NewLogo|New logo discussion]]

Revision as of 17:13, 3 March 2013