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Difference between revisions of "Template:Kiwix download button for sources/tr"

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(Updating to match new version of source page)
(Updating to match new version of source page)
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<noinclude>{{translations}}</noinclude>{{Download_button|tooltip={{{tooltip|Kiwix kaynak kodunu indir • Versiyon {{Kiwix_current_version}} • 2 MB}}}|link=|image=download.svg|imagewidth=50px|width=286px|height=70px|titlefontsize=180%|title={{{title|Kiwix kaynak kodunu indir}}}}}
<noinclude>{{translations}}</noinclude>{{Download_button|tooltip={{{tooltip|Kiwix kaynak kodunu indir • Versiyon {{Kiwix_current_version}} • 2 MB}}}|link=|image=download.svg|imagewidth=50px|width=286px|height=70px|titlefontsize=180%|title={{{title|Kiwix kaynak kodunu indir}}}}}

Latest revision as of 17:34, 31 May 2016

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