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* [ - ''Afripedia ou comment consulter Wikipedia sans Internet'']
* [ - ''Afripedia ou comment consulter Wikipedia sans Internet'']
* [ - ''Afripédia : un projet de promotion de Wikipédia en Afrique'']
* [ - ''Afripédia : un projet de promotion de Wikipédia en Afrique'']
* [ - ''Afripedia, un projet pour développer Wikipédia en Afrique'']


Revision as of 06:34, 14 August 2012

A plug computer beside an iPhone
A Dreamplug, the first supported plug
Default welcome page of the kiwix-plug
Kiwix-plug in action, plugged in a wall

Kiwix-plug is a solution which provides a public Wifi hotspot allowing every person with a Wifi network card and a device to surf Wikipedia (or any content available as a ZIM file). Kiwix-plug is based on a small server call plug computer which is a computer as big as a fist and directly plugable on the power network. You can extend its wifi coverage by pluging additional wifi routers.

The first development of this solution is granted by Wikimédia France in the scope of the Afripedia project.


The whole readme explaining how to setup a kiwix-plug can be found here.

Supported hardware

Contact us if you want that we support other models of plug computers.


See also

Press review