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Difference between revisions of "Kiwix-plug"

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* [ Globalscape Dreamplug]
* [ Globalscape Dreamplug]
* [ Tonidoplug2]
* [ Tonidoplug2]
* [ Raspberry Pi] ''experimental''
* [ Raspberry Pi]

=== SD cards ===
=== SD cards ===

Revision as of 09:57, 11 May 2018

A typical kiwix-plug welcome page
A Dreamplug, the first supported plug
Kiwix-plug in action, plugged in a wall
Two Kiwix-plugs
A Tonidoplug2, another supported plug-like hardware

Kiwix-plug is a solution which provides a public Wifi hotspot allowing every person with a Wifi network card and a device to surf and download Wikipedia (or any content available as a ZIM file). Kiwix-plug is based on a small server call plug computer which is a computer as big as a fist and directly pluggable on the power network. You can extend its wifi coverage by plugging additional wifi routers.


The whole readme explaining how to setup a kiwix-plug can be found here.

Supported hardware


SD cards

All USB cards are supported, but not all of them will have a long lifetime if used in a kiwix-plug context. At this stage of the development, the plug still always write the logs on the SD cards which mean you need a good quality otherwise the whole kiwix-plug may life only a few months. It's in particular important to try to put SD card with Wear leveling, for example the sandisk extrem pro.


  • Localize kiwix-serve (C++, Perl)
  • Fix awstats subpages (bash, conf)
  • Fix categories which are big (too big pages, not all articles are there) (PHP)
  • Add Piratebox mode (bash, conf)
  • Plug too slow to boot (bash, conf). Fixed it by changing bootcmd in uBoot. Now boots in less than 3mn. Fixed on all 21 plugs. Need documentation and implementation in kiwix-plug.
  • ZIM of Gutenberg (script)
  • Document Plug-like server config of Nginx+Kiwix-serve here
  • Improved suggestion system (better handling case and accents)
  • Tests de charge pour tous les cas de figure.


See also

Press review