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== Master Setup ==
== Master Setup ==

* Install required packages
<code><pre># apt-get install build-essential subversion zip unzip python-pip vim python-dev
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper</pre></code>
* Create user ''buildbot''
* Log-in as user buildbot
* Edit ''.bashrc'' and add at the end
<code><pre>export EDITOR="vim -v"
export WORKON_HOME=~/envs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh</pre></code>
* Log-out then log-in to enable virtualenvwrapper
* Create virtualenv
<code><pre>mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages buildbot
mkdir -p buildbot && cd buildbot</pre></code>
* Install builbot and create master
<code><pre>easy_install buildbot
buildbot create-master master</pre></code>
* Deploy configuration
<code><pre>svn co https://kiwix.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kiwix/buildbot/ code
cd master && ln -sf ../code/master.cfg master.cfg && cd -
cp code/secret_pass.py master/secret_pass.py</pre></code>
* Edit the password file in ''master/secret_pass.py''
* Start the master
<code><pre>buildbot start master</pre></code>

== Slave Setup ==
== Slave Setup ==


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