How has offline Wikipedia affected you? The Wikimedia Foundation (the non-profit that supports Wikipedia) is looking for personal, diverse and inspiring stories about how offline Wikipedia affects the world. If you have a personal story that you would like to share, please contact: Thank you!
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Found 10 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h German (de) | Pressespiegel |
h English (en) | Press review |
h Spanish (es) | Reseña de prensa |
h French (fr) | Revue de presse |
h Hungarian (hu) | Sajtófigyelés |
h Italian (it) | Rassegna stampa |
h Japanese (ja) | プレスのレビュー |
h Polish (pl) | Przegląd prasy |
h Russian (ru) | Обзоры прессы |
h Turkish (tr) | Basından |