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Tell us your story
How has offline Wikipedia affected you? The Wikimedia Foundation (the non-profit that supports Wikipedia) is looking for personal, diverse and inspiring stories about how offline Wikipedia affects the world. If you have a personal story that you would like to share, please contact: Thank you!


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Display Info about the adapter
./MegaCli64 -AdpAllInfo -aALL
Display Physical devices
./MegaCli64 -PDList -aALL
 Display Logical devices
./MegaCli64 -LDInfo -LALL -aALL
Display detailed Adapter and Device information
./MegaCli64 -AdpAlILog -aALL
Make state "Unconfigured Good"
./MegaCli64 -PDMakeGood -PhysDrv[8:3,8:4,8:5] -a0
Add disk to the array

./MegaCli64 -LDRecon -Start -R5 -Add -PhysDrv[252:7] -L0 -a0

Check RAID reconstruction status
./MegaCli64 -ldrecon showprog -L0 -a0
Refresh the kernel infos about the RAID
rmmod megaraid_sas ; modprobe megaraid_sas
Extend the partition
remove the partion and create it new
resize the filesystem (you have maybe to run e2fsck before)
resize2fs /dev/xxxx

Server RAID configuration

Port  Slot   Id    Address
0     3      8     online
1     1      11    online
2     2      9     online
3     0      10    hotspare
4     5      15    online 
5     7      14    online
6     5      15    online
7                 0000000000000000