Berlin 2015
- This is a draft. Work in progress.
This page summarizes the action plan for the Kiwix winter hackathon 2015. This hackathon as not a special motto but has for purpose to gather the developers who are currently the most involved in the developement of openZIM/Kiwix.
- Kiwix-pluh for RaspberryPi
Kiwix-plug works already with RasberryPi but this still needs a little bit work to have a public ready solution. At this occasion a few things will also be done on kiwix-serve.
- Better library system base on OCSP
The current solution based on a custom format as many flaws. We should adop a more standard & better format based on OPDS.
- Kiwix for Firefox OS
Kiwix for Firefox OS development has already been started within the Evopedia project. The hackathon should be the occasion to release a first version.
- Integrate geo-coordinates to the ZIM specs & standard library
World is going mobile and Kiwix users more an more have a device with geo-localisation abilities. User wants to be able to search content based on geo-coordinates.
Output forecast
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Around 5 developers meet during a week to make this step.
Lyon, France OR Berlin, Germany
4th -> 11th January 2016
- Emmanuel
- Christian
- Chris
- Mossroy
- Renaud
- Rashiq
Around CHF 4.000.