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<library current="">
<book id="c998cd0c-63fb-4184-4184-68ea2410e8e272bf" path="wmf_fa_all_07_2010_rc2.zim"
title="Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource and Wikiquote in Parsi"
description="All the articles from the Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource and Wikiquote in Parsi."
language="fa" date="2010-09-26" creator="Wikimedia community" url=""
articleCount="174559" mediaCount="52775" />
- current: This is the id of the book which has to be displayed per default.
- id: Unique id of a book/ZIM. It comes from the ZIM file itself and is automatically generated at the ZIM file creation.
- path: Filesystem path of the ZIM file. This does only make sense locally.
- title: Title of the book. It comes from the ZIM file itself and is configured at during the ZIM file creation process by the ZIM file creator.
- description: Small text describing the content of the book. It comes from the ZIM file itself and is configured at during the ZIM file creation process by the ZIM file creator.
- language:
- date:
- creator:
- url:
- community:
- articleCount:
- mediaCount:
Suggested additions
- fileSize
- previewImage (might want to make this a separate node within <book>)