Halaman Utama
Kiwix adalah pembaca konten web dalam mode luring. Pembuatan kiwik dikhususkan agar Wikipedia dapat dinikmati tanpa harus terkoneksi ke internet. Kiwik bekerja dengan cara membaca file dengan kompresi tingkat tinggi yang disebut ZIM.
Kiwix uses the Mozilla framework and is available in more than 80 languages. It has full text search, tabbed navigation and possibility to export articles to PDF and HTML.
Kiwik adalah sebuah perangkat lunak bebas (GPL3), Dengan kata lain, Anda bebas menyalin, mengubah, dan menyebarluaskan Kiwix.
- News feed
Extension:RSS -- Error: "http://identi.ca/api/statusnet/groups/timeline/kiwix.rss" is not in the whitelist of allowed feeds. There are no allowed feed URLs in the whitelist.
Pembaca Kiwix
First of all, download Kiwix reader with regards to the operating system you're using. The size is fewer than 22 megabytes and no installations is required. You should only extract it and then go to the next section and download a Zim file.
Note: You can ignore this step if you are a Windows user and you want to download Portable Pre-indexed ZIM from the next section.
File ZIM Wikipedia
In order to read the Wikipedia articles offline, download the Zim file relating to the specific Wikipedia you want. To view the full list of ZIM files, click on "→ Full list with all languages..." below the table.
There are two kinds of downloads:
- Non-indexed ZIM contains only a ZIM file and you may want to index it to be able to use the fulltext search.
- Portable pre-indexed ZIM contains Kiwix application only for Windows or Linux with an indexed ZIM file. So you should download the Kiwix reader from the previous section if you're not a Windows user. The ZIM file may be split into several 2 gigabytes parts to be compatible with FAT32 filesystems.
Note: The pre-indexed ZIM files could be copied in the different computers with Windows/Linux operating systems, Mac users may face some problems.
Note: There are two options to download for each non-indexed and pre-indexed versions:
- Direct download which downloads the file directly from Wikimedia Foundation servers.
- Bittorent which downloads the file with a torrent software.
Anda dapat mencoba mengompilasinya untuk kebutuhan pribadi. Kode sumber aplikasi dapat diunduh ⇓ di sini. Selain itu, Anda dapat mencoba versi pre-kompilasi pada alamat:
Hubungi Kami
- Laporkan bug/kerusakan atau minta sebuah fitur.
- Surel: contact (at) kiwix.org
- Mailing-list (arsip publik):
- kiwix-developer (at) lists.sourceforge.net untuk pengembangan
- kiwix-testing (at) lists.sourceforge.net untuk testing
- kiwix-svn (at) lists.sourceforge.net untuk selalu mendapat info terbaru atas setiap komit kode sumber di SVN
- Jabber: kelson (at) kiwix.org
- IRC: #kiwix on irc.freenode.net join atau Menggunakan antar muka web