Difference between revisions of "Zurich 2018"

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=== Kiwix-plug installer ===
=== Kiwix-plug installer ===
* -
* #228 (SSH timeout) - merged fix attempt (uncomfirmed)
* #231: OPEN, CLOSED - build_dir UI issue
* #230: OPEN, CLOSED - password issue
* #229: OPEN, CLOSED - Verify `previous_loop_mode`
* New WikiFundi dumps: updated content and new password rules in config
* released 2.0-rc9
* CLOSED openzim/wikifundi/issues/89
* CLOSED openzim/wikifundi/issues/90
* Recreated Wikifundi dumps to include fixed config
* CLOSED #232
* released 2.0-rc10
=== Cardshop ===
* Deployed docker containers on *demo server*:
** rabbitMQ with SSL
** mongo
** basic scheduler (authentications, user mgmt)
** warehouse
** phony monitor

== Impact ==
== Impact ==