Pagina Principale
"Kiwix" ti permette di avere l'intera Wikipedia nelle tue mani, dovunque tu vada! In una barca, nel mezzo del nulla oppure in una prigione, Kiwix ti permette di avere accesso all'intero sapere umano. Non avrai bisogno di Internet, tutto è salvato sul tuo computer, drive USB, oppure DVD! |
'"Kiwix"' è un lettore offline di contenuti web. È un software voluto per rendere Wikipedia accessibile senza la necessità di Internet, ma è potenzialmente adattabile a tutti i contenuti HTML. Kiwix supporta il formato ZIM, un formato altamente compresso con meta-data addizionali
Kiwix is a free software, which means you can freely copy, modify and distribute it.
Kiwix is mostly installed in schools, universities and libraries which can't afford a broadband Internet access. It's so much faster than the Internet and also can be used by many institutions to save bandwidth and reader's time. But many people use Kiwix for their own personal purpose. That's the case, for example, of persons suffering from censorship or prisoners.
Kiwix is really easy to use. It provides a range of features which make the usage comfortable:
- Full text search engine
- Bookmarks & Notes
- HTTP server
- PDF/HTML export
- User interface in more than 80 languages
- Tabs navigation
- Integrated content manager and downloader
- More features...
Kiwix is a pretty small and efficient software. You can perfectly use it with small or old computers. It runs on a big range of operating systems and on the three main PC operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OSX and GNU/Linux distributions.
More about how to download, install and use Kiwix...