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All content (ZIM files) are available at the Kiwix Online Library

Kiwix рекомендует использовать BitTorrent
Kiwix идеально подходит для чтения Википедии в автономном режиме. Для того,чтобы читать и наслаждаться статьями Википедии оффлайн, вам понадобится:
- Программа Kiwix
- ZIM файл с содержанием Википедии на нужном пользователю языке (например, на русском).
- Опционально индексы для полнотекстового поиска.
In order to read and enjoy all of them, you will need:
- Kiwix (the software)
- The ZIM file with the content of your choice.
Once Kiwix (the software) is installed you have many ways to download content (files):
- With Kiwix if your version of Kiwix allows it. Once you have Kiwix open, go to the Kiwix internal library to pick your content.
- BitTorrent which downloads the file with a torrent software. Using BitTorrent saves our bandwidth and verifies that your file is not corrupted during the download process.
- Direct download which downloads the file directly with your browser.
Remark: More information about the ZIM file names nomenclature can be found here (in English)