Kiwix te permite tener toda la Wikipedia en tu mano donde quiera que vayas! En un barco, en medio de la nada o en la cárcel, Kiwix te da acceso al conocimiento humano. No necesitas Internet, todo se almacena en tu ordenador, memoria USB o DVD! |
Kiwix es un lector de contenido web offline. Es un software especialmente creado para acceder a Wikipedia sin conexión a internet, sin embargo, es idóneo para cualquier contenido HTML. El formato soportado por Kiwix es el ZIM, un formato abierto de alta compresión con meta-datos adicional.
Kiwix es un software libre, lo que significa que puedes copiarlo, modificarlo y distribuirlo libremente.
Kiwix is mostly installed in schools, universities and libraries which can't afford a broadband Internet access. It is much faster than the Internet and also can be used by many institutions to save bandwidth and reader's time. But many people use Kiwix for their own personal purposes, for example, of people suffering from censorship or prisoners.
Kiwix is really easy to use. It provides a range of features which make usage comfortable:
- Full text search engine
- Bookmarks & Notes
- HTTP server
- PDF/HTML export
- User interface in more than 100 languages
- Tabs navigation
- Integrated content manager and downloader
- More features...
Kiwix is small and efficient software, usable on lower powered or old computers. It runs on a large range of operating systems, on Android and on the three main PC operating systems: Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OSX and GNU/Linux distributions.