Talk:WMF UX Improvement Effort
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Call for Feedback
Please give us feedback on Kiwix! There are multiple ways to contribute feedback, depending on your preferences:
- Right here on the talk page below (set up a user account, go to the section of this page with your operating system, click "edit", and add your comments!)
- Go to Kiwix bug page on Sourceforge and file a bug
- Email with notes (positive or negative!)
Thanks for your help in improving this product!
- It would be great if users who wanted to give feedback could either edit it here OR send a mail. Perhaps kiwix-feedback@ ? Tomasz 04:06, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- I have created pointing to ML (private) where you, Jessie and me are there as reader. Kelson 21:24, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- Highlight the content manager on first load. Have a giant arrow similar to drop box install that shows where it is. Tomasz 21:47, 23 August 2011 (CEST)
- Files that have been deleted on disk still show up in content manager. Perhaps we can grey these out or remove them all together?
- Yes... interesting. Have to think about that. Kelson 14:27, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- remove them all together would be great!! Jwild 03:54, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- Hmm... not really enthusiastic about that feature request. Sounds dangerous, I do not really see the use case and do not know how to integrate it correctly in the user interface. Have to think more... Kelson 14:27, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- for pages with italicized titles, the tab titles render strangely (for example, The Lion King = " The Lion King") Jwild 03:54, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- I can not reproduce the problem, here is the issue. What is the file you use exactly? Here is was I get : Kelson 21:52, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- I added a note to the sourceforge bug that I filed awhile ago which contains the picture and the information. I am using Kiwix 0.9 beta 2 with th en wikipedia 0.8. Jwild 03:03, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- I understand now. The problem is that you use a dev. version of the WP1 0.8 ZIM. This bug was already fixed many months ago and is in the ZIM builder script, not in Kiwix. Kelson 08:00, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- I added a note to the sourceforge bug that I filed awhile ago which contains the picture and the information. I am using Kiwix 0.9 beta 2 with th en wikipedia 0.8. Jwild 03:03, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- Is it possible to add the keyboard shortcuts to close tabs (CTRL+W) and navigate between tabs (CTRL+Page Up or CTRL+Page Down)? Jwild 03:54, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- I can also not reproduce that problem, CTRL+w (close current tab) and CTRL+W (close all tabs) were implemented in beta2 and work for me. Il will implement the other shortcuts. Kelson 21:57, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- ok, I went through and tested and closes sometimes but not consistently (nor often). For example, if I have 3 tabs open and press CTRL+W (close all tabs), it asks if I want to do that. If I press "No", then I cannot use "CTRL+W" again if those same 3 tabs are open (if I open a 4th, then it will register that request again). For the CTRL+w: if I open three tabs in a row, then move back to one of the previous tabs (1st or 2nd), I cannot use the shortcut on any tab.Jwild 03:03, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- Thx for the explanation. Problem understood. Will be fixed. 14:22, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- Everyting fixed and implemented :) Kelson 21:21, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- Thx for the explanation. Problem understood. Will be fixed. 14:22, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- ok, I went through and tested and closes sometimes but not consistently (nor often). For example, if I have 3 tabs open and press CTRL+W (close all tabs), it asks if I want to do that. If I press "No", then I cannot use "CTRL+W" again if those same 3 tabs are open (if I open a 4th, then it will register that request again). For the CTRL+w: if I open three tabs in a row, then move back to one of the previous tabs (1st or 2nd), I cannot use the shortcut on any tab.Jwild 03:03, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- Start a content manager download. Then go to "My library" and delete a file. You'll notice that your download has stopped. We should keep downloading it in the background regardless of what i'm doing. Tomasz 19:22, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- Visual artefact. Will fix the bug Kelson 14:22, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- Great that I have the option of closing any of the tabs that I have open (was not the case in Beta1)! Jwild 03:54, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- Love the new images showing up in the "Get New Files" library Jwild 03:54, 18 August 2011 (CEST)
- When a download finishes a window pops up that says "Download finished" .. followed by a second line of text saying the exact same thing.
- Opening an openZim file after Kiwix is already running causes a second window to load. The second window looks great and its content manager is correct. But the primary window does not have the newly opened collection leading to confusion.
- Logoes or figures do not show up for some libraries in the library content manager.
- These are old content without the newly mandatory metadata... they will be slowly replaced with new content (with icon). Kelson 14:20, 19 August 2011 (CEST)
- Tab buttons can be made the same as in Firefox 5 or 6, which looks much better.
- Yes, we still have to improve the UI design. Kelson 14:20, 19 August 2011 (CEST)