Tell us your story
Tell us your story
How has offline Wikipedia affected you? The Wikimedia Foundation (the non-profit that supports Wikipedia) is looking for personal, diverse and inspiring stories about how offline Wikipedia affects the world. If you have a personal story that you would like to share, please contact: Thank you!


From Kiwix
Revision as of 20:24, 4 September 2014 by Macofe (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Utilizando la plataforma [], Kiwix mejora su localización diariamente. Traductores de todas partes del mundo traducen cadena por...")
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Hay muchas maneras de participar y trabajar con nosotros para desarrollar el proyecto Kiwix. Necesitamos conocimientos tanto para desarrollar como para traducir y comunicar. La siguiente lista recoge muchos temas donde se apreciaría realmente tu ayuda.


La interfaz de usuario de Kiwix se traduce en más de 80 idiomas... Todavía tenemos un poco de trabajo por hacer.

Utilizando la plataforma, Kiwix mejora su localización diariamente. Traductores de todas partes del mundo traducen cadena por cadena la interfaz de usuario Kiwix en su propia lengua materna. Es bastante fácil y realmente necesitamos tu ayuda: todavía tenemos que descargar Kiwix en nuevos idiomas, mejorar las traducciones actuales o traducir nuevas cadenas correspondientes a las nuevas características. Para los desarrolladores, también todavía tenemos cadenas que están fijadas en el código fuente Kiwix. Migrarlas a es un buen comienzo para adentrarse en el proyecto.

We also need people to translate this wiki. You just need to create an account to translate one article or two!

It's easy to translate Kiwix using


Kiwix has a broad community, we need to care about it! It's essential to keep a good communication internally and with our users; both should be able to come quickly to the information, the help, they need.

There are a few ways to assure/improve the quality of Kiwix support:

  • Answer questions on the forum. You can add the RSS/Atom feed or subscribe to the email notifier to be triggered by new messages.
  • Respond or triage the bugs and feature requests. We have a lot of duplicates and old tickets which need to be treated.
  • Respond to emails, both private or public on the mailing-lists. Simply join them.
  • Update the FAQ with the most recurrent questions.
  • Being permanently on Kiwix chat IRC channel to help people.
  • Improve this wiki, in particular the help.
It's important to help users!


People have a lot of ideas and we try to implement the best ones. Supported by the Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia national chapters and a few other organisations, Kiwix can set-up ambitious projects. We focus on projects which improve Kiwix itself, the communication around it, or related to the openZIM project. We always run one or two important projects and few smaller ones at the same time. You may also have a look and maybe join one of them. We also have a few ideas for the future who definitly need new people to be realised. If you have ideas, we would also love to heard about them!

Kiwix is part of the Afripedia project.


Kiwix software development is assured by a really small team of developers. To continue the development of Kiwix, assure a better maintenance of the existing code and increase the robustness, we need new developers.

¡Se necesitan más desarrolladores!

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